Contact us
Do you want to contact us? Here you can find relevant contact information.
Do you have questions related to new sale, renewal, existing customer contracts or add/remove vehicles?
Contact our department for brokerservice:
Phone: +47 24 13 18 00
Do you have an ongoing claim with us?
Contact our department for claimservice:
* Remember to include you claimnumber in the subject field
Phone: +47 24 13 18 88
Claimservice can help you with ongoing claims within Personal-, Property-, Motor- or Liability.
Is your inquire about a Change of Ownership claim, see contact information for Change of Ownership.
Are you reporting an incident? Report the claim here.
Change of Ownership insurance:
Have you bought or sold a property with a signed Change of Ownership insurance in Protector, and have questions related to the insurance?
Then you can contact our department for Change of Ownership:
Phone: +47 24 13 17 70
Are you a buyer of a property and want to report a reclamation? Click here.