Finansiell kalender for Protector Forsikring ASA


12.07.2024 - Halvårsrapport

24.10.2024 - Kvartalsrapport - Q3
30.01.2025 - Kvartalsrapport - Q4


11.07.2025 - Halvårsrapport
19.03.2025 - Årsrapport
10.04.2025 - Ordinær generalforsamling

24.04.2025 - Kvartalsrapport - Q1
23.10.2025 - Kvartalsrapport - Q3

Denne informasjonen offentliggjøres i henhold til kravene i Løpende

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Det er fastsatt ny Obligasjonsrente for NO0010914443.
Ny Obligasjonsrente i Renteperioden 17.06.2024 - 16.09.2024 er 8.22.
Ticker: PROTCT05

Den nye Obligasjonsrenten og Renteperioden er fastsatt i henhold til

Se vedlagt dokument for utfyllende informasjon.

(Publisert av Nordic Trustee)

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Det er fastsatt ny Obligasjonsrente for NO0011170045.
Ny Obligasjonsrente i Renteperioden 14.06.2024 - 16.09.2024 er 9.47.
Ticker: PROTCT06

Den nye Obligasjonsrenten og Renteperioden er fastsatt i henhold til

Se vedlagt dokument for utfyllende informasjon.

(Publisert av Nordic Trustee)

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Det er fastsatt ny Obligasjonsrente for NO0012442278.
Ny Obligasjonsrente i Renteperioden 21.05.2024 - 21.08.2024 er 7.46.
Ticker: PROTCT07

Den nye Obligasjonsrenten og Renteperioden er fastsatt i henhold til

Se vedlagt dokument for utfyllende informasjon.

(Publisert av Nordic Trustee)

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Protector Forsikring ASA har i dag 11. april 2024 avholdt ordinær
generalforsamling. Alle forslag ble vedtatt i henhold til innkallingen.

Protokoll fra generalforsamlingen vil bli lagt ut på selskapets hjemmeside i morgen, 12. april 2024.

Generalforsamlingen valgte styret foreslått av Valgkomiteen. Styret i Protector
Forsikring ASA består følgelig av:

Jostein Sørvoll, styreleder
Arve Ree, nestleder
Else Bugge Fougner
Kjetil Garstad
Randi Helene Røed
Tonje Giertsen (ansattvalgt)
Mathews Ambalathil (ansattvalgt)

Oslo, 11. april 2024
Protector Forsikring ASA

Denne meldingen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.

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Ordinær generalforsamling i Protector Forsikring ASA avholdes torsdag 11. april
2024 kl. 16.00 i Protector Forsikring ASAs lokaler, Støperigata 2, Aker Brygge,

Innkalling med dagsorden til generalforsamlingen samt skjema for møtedeltakelse,
forhåndsstemme og fullmakt følger vedlagt. Innkallingen er sendt alle aksjeeiere
med kjent adresse. Innkalling og saksvedlegg gjøres tilgjengelig på Protectors

Forslag til generalforsamlingen:
Styret foreslår for generalforsamlingen at styret får fornyet følgende
o Fullmakt til å beslutte utdeling av utbytte
o Fullmakt til å kjøpe tilbake inntil 10% av selskapets totalt utestående aksjer
o Fullmakt til å forhøye aksjekapitalen med inntil 10%
o Fullmakt til å foreta opptak av ansvarlig lån og annen fremmedkapital oppad
begrenset til MNOK 2.500

Oslo, 15. mars 2024
Protector Forsikring ASA

Denne meldingen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12

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Det er fastsatt ny Obligasjonsrente for NO0010914443.
Ny Obligasjonsrente i Renteperioden 18.03.2024 - 17.06.2024 er 8.19.
Ticker: PROTCT05

Den nye Obligasjonsrenten og Renteperioden er fastsatt i henhold til

Se vedlagt dokument for utfyllende informasjon.

(Publisert av Nordic Trustee)

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Det er fastsatt ny Obligasjonsrente for NO0011170045.
Ny Obligasjonsrente i Renteperioden 14.03.2024 - 14.06.2024 er 9.44.
Ticker: PROTCT06

Den nye Obligasjonsrenten og Renteperioden er fastsatt i henhold til

Se vedlagt dokument for utfyllende informasjon.

(Publisert av Nordic Trustee)

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Dividend amount: NOK 2.00
Declared currency: NOK
Last day including right: 16 July 2024
Ex-date: 17 July 2024
Record date: 18 July 2024
Payment date: 24 July 2024*
Date of approval: 11 July 2024

The dividend is adopted by the Board according to the authorisation given by the
General Meeting on 11 April 2024.

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of Oslo Børs'
Continuing Obligations.

Oslo, 11 July 2024
Protector Forsikring ASA

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Steel City AS, close associate to primary insider Kjetil Garstad, board member
in Protector Forsikring ASA, has today 12 July 2024 acquired 2,000 shares in
Protector Forsikring ASA at an average price of NOK 236.8 per share. Following
this transaction, Steel City AS holds 210,706 shares in Protector Forsikring

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements in MAR (regulation
EU) No. 596/2014 on market abuse) as implemented in Norway in accordance with
section 3-1 of the Securities Trading Act.

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Protector Forsikring ASA's summarised results for Q2 2024 (Q2 2023) are:

o Combined ratio 94.5% (83.9)
o Gross written premium growth in local currencies 16% (56)
o Total inv. return including insurance finance NOK 242m (-38)
o Profit for the quarter NOK 254m (219)
o Earnings per share NOK 3.1 (2.7)
o Solvency ratio 191% (192), post dividends

In the first half year, the company recorded a profit of NOK 710m (845).
Combined ratio was 92.9% (88.1). The total return on investments including
insurance finance was NOK 614m (484).

The Board has, in accordance with the mandate received from the Annual General
Meeting 11 April 2024, decided to distribute a dividend of NOK 165m,
corresponding to NOK 2.00 per share. The payment will take place on 23 July

Further details are provided in the attached report and presentation, which
includes definitions of financial key figures.

Oslo, 11 July 2024

Protector Forsikring ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl
(Norwegian Securities Trading Act)

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Dividend amount: NOK 2.00
Declared currency: NOK
Last day including right: 16 July 2024
Ex-date: 17 July 2024
Record date: 18 July 2024
Payment date: 23 July 2024
Date of approval: 11 July 2024

The dividend is adopted by the Board according to the authorisation given by the
General Meeting on 11 April 2024.

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of Oslo Børs'
Continuing Obligations.

Oslo, 11 July 2024
Protector Forsikring ASA

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AM Best has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Credit of BBB+ (Good) and the
Financial Strength Rating of B++ Good)of Protector Forsikring ASA. The outlook
of these Credit Ratings is positive.

According to AM Best the ratings reflect Protector's balance sheet strength,
which is assessed as strong, as well as Protector's adequate operating
performance, neutral business profile and appropriate enterprise risk
management. The positive outlooks reflect AM Best's expectation that Protector
will maintain a trend of strong earnings generation underpinned by robust
technical and investment income.

For more information, please see the press release:

Oslo, 11 July 2024
Protector Forsikring ASA

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Protector Forsikring ASA hereby invites you to the presentation of the results
for the 2nd quarter 2024, Friday, July 12th at 10:00am CET.

The presentation will be held in English, and will be webcasted to our homepages
only (

Questions may be directed to beforehand or throughout
the webcast.

The Q2 report and presentation will be published in advance of the webcast.

Oslo, June 27th 2024
Protector Forsikring ASA

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Financial calendar for Protector Forsikring ASA


12.07.2024 - Half-yearly Report

24.10.2024 - Quarterly Report - Q3
30.01.2025 - Quarterly Report - Q4


11.07.2025 - Half-yearly Report
19.03.2025 - Annual Report
10.04.2025 - Annual General Meeting

24.04.2025 - Quarterly Report - Q1
23.10.2025 - Quarterly Report - Q3

This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in the
Continuing obligations.

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Reference is made to the stock exchange notice of 30 November 2023 regarding a
successful placement of new subordinated Tier 2 bond issue of NOK 650 million.
The bonds were issued under ISIN NO0013091876.

The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway has today 29 May 2024 approved the
prospectus with appendices prepared by Protector Forsikring ASA covering the
listing of the Bonds on Oslo Børs. The Bonds will be listed under the ticker
code "PROTCT08".

The prospectus with appendices and Final Terms is available on the company's

For further information, please contact: CFO, Ditlev de Vibe Vanay, mob. +47 934
80 393

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to §5-12 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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